Drew Diana and Brooklyn

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day gift

I think it's safe to say that Drew loved these!

She slept the whole time and completely redeemed herself after the last fiasco!

first modeling gig

Brooklyn cried, screamed, pooped on the props and was all around uncooperative for the photographer. Thankfully, we still got some good shots!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

meet Brooklyn

Better late than never...
Brooklyn is 3 weeks old today! Time for an update!

We went to my OB appointment on Tuesday, May 18th. Two days before my due date. My doctor checked me and with no real change from the week before, asked what we wanted to do. We somewhat jokingly told him that we wanted to be induced that day and *snap* were scheduled for an induction 2 hrs later. I only mildly freaked out on the way home!

We arrived at the hospital that evening and got things rolling. I rested comfortably throughout the night and my mom and Drew slept not so soundly as well. I was the only patient in L&D so we were somewhat spoiled. We also had many friends from my Peds staff and NICU come to visit. They brought tons of food, drinks and gifts for the baby. (We also got some condoms from one friend. Thanks Shaunna! Could have used those about 9 months ago!)

My water broke around 6:30 the next morning and intstantly my contractions went from tolerable to HOLY HELL! Thanks NOBODY for warning me! The nurse checked me and I was at 5cm. I soon after started throwing up as well. Good times, good times! I got my epidural around 8:30 am and life was once again great! Is it inappropriate to want to kiss the anesthesiologist?

I began pushing at 1:00 pm and honestly couldn't feel anything. I kept watching the monitor to see when I was contracting. Not exactly the most productive way to push out a baby! They turned my epidural off 20 minutes after starting and I quickly could feel it all! Girlfriend came flying out about half an hour later!

Brooklyn Mary was born at 2:01pm on Wednesday, the 19th of May.
She weighed 7 lbs 11 oz and was 20.5 inches long.

We stayed in the hospital until Friday morning and were excited to get home.

We had lots of family in town and obviously have many more pictures to share! One post at a time...

We are completely smitten with this little girl and feel so blessed to have her finally here!

A new person. A sweet baby girl. A part of our lives forever!
What could possibly be more exciting than that?!

Monday, May 17, 2010

almost Game Day...

We had a weekend full of cramping and contracting and then waiting and NOTHING....

With only a few days until my due date, we are starting to wonder when this whole thing is going to happen. No complaining yet! I still feel surprisingly well, but with my mom flying in tomorrow, I'm thinking it's about go time!

Drew played golf all weekend- a tournament on Saturday morning and then a round each afternoon. I think he is starting to panic since he won't be able to play almost every morning this July like in summers past.

I layed low for most of the weekend. Caught up on some sleep and finished cleaning the house. Erin and Livi came by to entertain us on Sunday night.

It's Monday morning and I'm still pregnant! We will see what happens in the next few days!

3 days to go and 3 months to go...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Catching Up...

OK, so I am already slacking on this whole blogging thing. Hopefully I will pull my head out and keep it updated when the baby gets here!

The last few months have flown by!! With spring ball and work, Drew and I have been pretty busy!! With only 2 weeks to go, and talk of an induction soon, it's hard to believe this pregnancy is almost over!

Baby girl is doing great! We had an untrasound a few weeks ago because she had been consistently measuring 3+ weeks behind. All measurements turned out to be normal and since then, she has gained/grown measuring only 2 weeks behind now. Thankfully she will be here soon because I am only 2 lbs away from the SECOND weight limit that I set for myself :)
Those blueberry cake donuts at Smiths are addicting!!

It was fun to see her moving around at the ultrasound, and we are looking forward to meeting her soon!! We were also excited to see that she has hair! (Thank god because this heartburn could make a girl go postal!)
Now the million dollar question is... What color is it?!?!

We are trying to figure out what to do about this...

and this...

Anybody in the market for a calico cat?!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Baby Shower

I went home at the end of February for a quick weekend trip and a baby shower. It was great to see friends and family, and our baby girl got SPOILED!

momski and I

the Miller girls

Darcy and little Drew

the usual suspects...

Lutes cheer outfit from Erica, Carly and Linds!! LOVE THIS!!!


Betty, Momski, Di, Joni and Marilyn

Excited Aunties Ambs and Tay

Cindy, Becky and Jill

College Roomies

Little "Noname" received more gifts than we know what to do with!!
Thank you so much to everybody who came to celebrate our baby girl!
I was able to get quite a bit home with me on the plane but my parents have a full carload to bring with them when they come this spring.